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I want to thank SwayamSiddha for making me meet my life partner. I have found a great friend in my Life partner. I am excited to start a new phase of my life with him in Canada. This shift from India has only been possible through his continuous support and unconditional care and love.
Heena M / Delhi / India
Their journey from SwayamSiddha to reality of taking vows.While both our families kept searching through matrimonial ads in the local news paper, we decided to take our fate into our own hands. After joining, we met over a cup of coffee. Our families didn't believe that one could find a life partner on such website. Swayamsiddha proved them wrong. We found each other when we least expected it and decided on forever.
A. Kaur / Amritsar / Panjab
I met my lovely wife through Swayamsiddha. I had just graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Canada and began work in Toronto. I joined swayamsiddha as my life became busy and I had less time to go out to meet new people. The girl I was interested in lived in Dallas. She visited me in Toronto and I sealed the deal. Thanks for help Swayamsiddha
Tipu / Haidarabad / Chennai
Deleniti pertinacia eu est, te his soluta quaestio pericula illum facilisis.